Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008
ABOUT: An American teenager obsessed with martial arts cinema, is magically transported to ancient China where he meets three Chinese heroes who help him on his quest to free the Monkey King.
Went to watch Forbidden Kingdom in Cineleisure just now with my dad, mom and sis.. not like what i expected the show to be like la.. i tot it would be darn funny and cool but it was OK only.. the graphics was damn good, but sometimes the movie no logic punya.. make me go "wtf" sometimes.. really funny~~ funnily no logic.. hahaha..
While waiting for the movie, we went to eat some desserts in Miyoki (or stg like that)... damn nice la.. hahha.. but too much ice-cream for a day though..
~choco sundae~
~choco ice-cream~
dragon fruit smoothies *yucks!!*
looks damn sedap kan kan kan...????
After movie, we went to my cousin's restaurant, 'Bamboo Forest' in Damansara.. the food was okay only.. but i think its a good yum cha place, if its open at night la.. hahhaa.. the prawn mee was 'ownage' giler.. damn gila spicy.. but its sedap.. hahha..
wa, today woke up found out that my right eye damn red~~~ look like pontianak only.. hahha.. somemore went meeting and jangkit everyone there... hehehe.. i was so darn tored yeasterday coz of the oreintation.. i have to admit, it was actually kinda fun.. compared to the previous ones tat i attended.. i think its because i know more people ad so like very corner i turn also see a familiar face.. ^__^
hehe. HOW DO I LOOK...??
Labels: college
Friday, April 25, 2008
Today went out to Mid Valley with Kar Seng, to hear bout his dilemma and 'sun pin' watch a movie.. heheh.. who would have though the movie we watch was sooooo darn B-O-R-I-N-G...~~ bored the shit outta me~~ though the beginning was funny but towards the end was boring~~ but we did get to spend a great time there, chatting and laughing.. and ejek each other bout 'our special someone'.. hahhahha..

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Hey ji mui!! happy birthday.. sorry couldn't celebrate with you tonight~~ I wait until no mood ad.. but at least we get to have some bonding session before i left college right??
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ya~~!! Hope you'll have a great 20th birthday..~~ Cheer up, kay..~~!! MUAKS!!
For those who dunno who my ji mui is...
hehehe.. took some time for myself ..
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Yay!!! got new PC.. yay yay yay~~!! its DELL~~ hahhaa.. the old pc currently in my room.. hehe, my room damn cool now.. got radio, computer and my bed.. hahah *lame~~* i can watch movie in my room till late at night ad.. hehe.. now left air-cond only.. heheh.. lets take a look at my new coomputer~~ heheheh.. the price..?? Rm 2000+.. boleh tahan la.. Father pay anyway, peduli apa.. HAHAHAA
hehe, nice nice..??? I love it..~~!!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Today i went for a job interview with Sammy and Kah Inn came to Mid Valley to teman us also.. Since we three sisters very long didn't take pictures together ad, we seized the moment to camwhore..
i just lurve this picture~ hehe
act cute?? hmm...
And i went to Wei Hong's place todaya nd took picture of his roommate punya hamster~~ SO DARN CUTE>>!! eei!! damn geram!! its just so damn cute~~ YA ALLAH~~!! ^__^
gila cute~~!!!
yesterday, i went makan dinner with my college bro's in SS19 (i think...) after our group discussion.. did not waste a moment of camwhoring session.. hehhe.. this time with my ji mui, WONG WEI HONG!!! hehehe
cool huh my hair~~ ??
i think i look betta in it actually~~