Friday, April 24, 2009
We just came back from Pulau Ketam yesterday and it has been such a long time since the 4 of us had been so happy together.. Feel so sorry for Nash and Diana who cant make it for the trip cause of their assignments and job.. hahah.. But anyway~! WOO HOO~!!! pulau ketam rox!! although it's a lil' smelly and dirty but I think it's a good place to spend a few hours at and the seafoodthere is ou-la-la~! syiok!! cheap and fresh!! Lucky we never kena con.. But we found out one thing about the villagers - the kids there are kinda rude.. Hong kena like 3 or 4 times from them alrd.. hahahaa.. But anyway, let the pictures do all the talking, shall we..??
At the jetty:
In the ferry:
ta-da! Crab Island, here we come!!
The jetty in Crab Island
The food:
After eating:
The bill:
~crab stlyle~
~We rented bicycle to ride around the island as well~
the man in the village is kinda well-built~
naturally well-built~
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Found this clip in the Astro website..
I'm soooooooo proud of her!!
Aihz.. dunno what to blog about ad eh~ running out of topics ad..

I was damn shocked until I almost shit in my pants.. LOL.. kidding~!