Monday, June 15, 2009
A4J is over and now the war is really on..!!
Although A4J was really tiring and exhousting but i learn and confirmed lots of things from God thru the conference.. Thank God for that~!
One of the things I learnt is that Love is Greatful. How many times do we say thank you to people who care for us? Face to face I mean.. There's lots of time where we feel gratitude towards them but we don't take the initiative to let them know, right? well, here I am wanting to say thank you to . . .
People that use to/always fetch me around:
Daddy, Mommy, MM
Robin O
Robin A
Wei Jiin
Wei Jing
Lih Yeh
Joane Mah
Pui San
Isaac Ho
Jason Chong
Geoffrey Yeow
Kah Inn
Justin Tung
Justin Yap
Eric Teh
Max Koh
Victor Heng
Ah Phua
Wai Yew
Dennis Ong
Zhi Hao
Deborah E.G.
*Banyaknya driver aku ada.. LOL*
Gave me advice and helped me grow: (whether you realize it or not)
Buo Sou Gor
Lik Fong
Robin O
Robin A
Wei Jiin
Yi Ping
Joanne Mah
Pui San
Helped me in my assignments and other matters:
Voon Voon
Joanne Mah
Chern Lin
Max Koh
Robin A
Jason Chong
Wei Jiin
Robin O
Micheal Loh
Borrowed me their house to sleep in:
Wan Yen
Wei Hong
Joanne Mah
Chern Lin
Robin A
Wei Jiin
Pui San
P/S: This list is for 2009.. Sorry if I have failed to mention your name above but hopefull I have told you a word of 'Thank You' to you at that time..
So people, lesson for today:
"Always remember to say thank you to the people you care and cares about you and let them know how much you appreciate them in your life. Support your friends and always give them encouraging words as we don't know what wil happen to us or them tomorrow."
Saturday, June 6, 2009
It's the time again~!! woo hoo!! so excited for this conference~! Cant wait to meet God..!! ^^
There will be conference as well at night but I encourage everyone to come for the Friday's night gathering.. It'll be free, no worries!! Pastor Philip will be talking about his trip to hell.. The one God brought him to hell so that he could share it with us.. I know some people might not believe in God or in heaven and hell, but its not too late for you to change your mind now, I mean before you leave the surface of the earth.. Cause you'll kever know when that day will come right?
Some might think of me as a Jesus girl, but heck, I'm glad to admit I'm a soldier for God. Don't you think it's so exciting to serve God, the creation of the world? I have never regretted my choice to accept Jesus and I hope all of you that is reading this post would open up your heart to the whole concept of God and Jesus..
Information for the conference:
Date: 10, 11, 12, 13 June 2009
9 am til before conference (Workshop etc) - RM120, inclusive of t-shirt, lunch and dinner (register early!)
6.30 pm (Conference) - Free entrance, open to ALL
Venue: Main Sanctuary FGA, KL
Map to FGA KL
A trip to Hell
Please watch this clip until the end.. I'm begging you~
Labels: church