Friday, May 25, 2007
After dunno how mana weeks of talking bout wanting to go play badminton together, finnally me, hong, robin, jiin, jason , geoff and don went to a place near subang parade to play badminton. but that don ar, came bout 30 minutes den ciou ad.. leaving his racquet with us.. lucky he got bring racket (not in optimum condition but boleh pakailah) hehehe.. so sad lam, the place no leng chai's.. got la few ppl training there and playing but some either fat or short.. no nice body to look at oso.. (hehehhe).. but rite, that wei hong darn good.. lucky i nvr play with him! hahaha., so dunno who is betta than the other (although the ans is pretty obvious) haihzz...
Den after badminton session (which btw, everybody damn stinko), we went to mcD to enjot aircond woth only ordering drinks(which can refill), we went to HARTAMAS (punya jauh...) to makan mamak (not ordinary mamak though.. 'highER class' mamak) haha... but overall the day was fun la.. den after this the BOYS goin play bball... (iron-man la all of them, not tired de).. bu the saddest thing is rite..... NO LENG CHAI.. hahha.. so, to comfort myself, i shall post all the hunks i think who are hot HOt HOOOOTTT>>> hehehe
and this malaysian dude.. charles brunold (he was in cleo most eligible bachelor and the reality show, what women want)

Jake gyllenhaal (love his eyes.. OHMY GOD>....)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
its just 2 weeks since the new sem has started and i'm feeling the burden of assingmnets and projects already..! so many things comin up la.. english event,english game planning, english journal, english talk show, say club + TCHT's new event, moral's visit to the handicap place.. sei lo.. so many things to run all at almost the same time yo!! wish me luck...!!
will you spend 200 buck on a guess handbag or would you rather spend that money on some not so weel-known shirtS, bagS, and cute heelS? i find it quite stupid for ppl to waste their money just to buy a expensive brand like chanel, gucci, LV, prada etc.. i mean, the money YOU earn or the money your PARENTS earn should be spend wisely right? i know, the expensive brand has good quality but how long would you use the same purse or the same handbag? in my case, i woulf spend money to buy the not so well-known brand and could have my handbag and purse changed every 3-4 months.. that'll be damn fun.. wouldn't you agree? i mean, life is not all bout who has the latest chanel handbag or the hottest guess purse rite?
it would be rather ridiculous for a puse to be worth 200 bucks and a handbag to be 300 plus rite? dang it, i feel so angry at ppl who spend their money like dat.. maybe coz they dunno the value of money yet huh? well, i can honestly tell that money is not easy to find.. so ppl! spend your money wisely plz..! for the sake of god!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
The bee said, "What seems to be the problem?"
"I'm out of gas," the man replied.
The bee told the man to wait right there and flew away. Minutes later, the man watched as an entire swarm of bees flew to his car and into his gas tank. After a few minutes, the bees flew out.
"Try it now," said one bee.
The man turned the ignition key and the car started right up.
"Wow!" the man exclaimed. "What did you put in my gas tank?"
Scroll down
The bee answered, "BP."
Thursday, May 3, 2007
me and my fren, chai yan..
the brand i'm promoting..!! MAGNOLIA...!!

i even learned how to do a flower ballon from the uncle who just steped up to us and teached us..