Friday, May 29, 2009
WOw..!! What a cheap and fullfilling meal!! heehhe.. RM25 per person only for a japanese buffet..!! Super cheap!! OoooMmmmmGggg..!!
[the 6 P's]
Place: Pyramid
Purpose: Celebrate Sammy's b'day
See..!! told you I'll blog bout ya!! ahhaha..
Dun wan dun wan, I wanna call you Pei Ni.. More imtimate.. LOL..!!
Take 2: Happy Birthday Pei Ni..!!

My message is short and sweet kan?? LOL..
Labels: birthday
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Dua puluh tahun yang lalu, lahirnya seorang bayi yang dinamakan Eric Teh Aik Soon. Beliau amatlah kuat menangis dulu and sekarang telah menjadi 'Drama King'.. Dua Puluh tahun kemudian, beliau telah merayakan hari jadinya besama kawan-kawan leo-nya yang amatla cantik, kurus and lucu.. Dan pada waktu itulah mereka sembilan minum teh susu yang amat besar (tetapi susut saiznya berbanding dahulu) dari Kedai Kopi Wong Kok dan kedaraan Eric untuk dihantam kek pada mukanya telah mereka ambil.. ^^
Mula dengan borak borak kosong dan complain tentang saiz teh sus yang semakin kecil..
Lepas tu sesi ambil gambar..

Datangnya kek hari jadi dan ritual biasa..
Dan mulalah aksi hantam muka birthday boy atas kek..
Saturday, May 23, 2009
001. Real Name: Kong Mun Suet
002. Nickname(s): Kongster, Munny Suety, swt, helmet head, pigpig, etc..
03. Age: 19+
004. Horoscope: Sagittarius
005. Gender: Female
006. Elementary: Vizreena Kindergarden
007. Primary School: SRK Jalan Selangor (1)
008. Secondary School: SMK Assunta
009. College: Taylors
010. Hair Colour: Black
011. Hair Length: Long
012. Loud or Quiet: Loud
013. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: Phone..!! Always phone!! hahaha..
015. Health Freak: Not really
016.Drink or Smoke: Rarely drink, never smoke
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Nope
018. Eat or Drink: Eat..!!
019. Piercings: Earlobes
020. Tattoos: Takde
021. Social or Anti-Social: 80% Social, 20% anti-social
022. Righty or lefty: Righty
023. First piercing: Left ear
024. First relationship: Non
025. First Best Friend: Cheryl Juliana Clark
026.First Award: Markah Tertinggi Pendidikan Moral (I think..)
027. First Kiss: Consider none..
028. First Pet: Ants
029. First Big Vacation: Singapore
030. First Love at first sight: Non
031. First Big Birthday: 12 Dec 1989?? hahhaa..
032. First Surgery : Nope
033. First sport you joined: Netball
034. Orange or Apple juice: Orange juice
035. Rock or Rap: Neither
036. Country or Screamo: Country
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Both!
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Neither
039. Night or Day: Night
040. Sun or Moon: Moon
041. TV or Internet: Internet
042. Playstation or xbox: Neither
043. Kiss or hug: Both
044. Iguana or turtle: Turtle
045. Spider or bee: Bee
046. Fall or spring: Spring
047. Limewire or iTunes: iTunes
048. Soccer or baseball: Soccer
049. Eating: YEAH!!!
050. Drinking: water??
051. Excitement level: Huh??
052. I'm about to: Go bathe and go Pyamid
053. Listening to: My mom doing house chores
054. Plan for today: Go pyramid, meet a friend, go church, yum cha, back him, online..
055. Waiting for: To finish up this tag.. LOL..
056. Energy Level: Active
057. Thinking of someone: Not really
058. Want kids : Yeap
059. Want to get married?: Of coz..
060. When?: erm.. 26-28 yrs old..
061. How many kids do you want: 3 gua
062. Any name on the mind: Depends what's my husband's sirname
065. Mellow future or wild: Mellow
066. Something you would never try: Drugs, premarital sex
067. When do you want to die: When im supposed to die
068 Which is the better in the boy/girl you like(in the future): Huh??
068. Lips or Eyes: Eye
069. Romantic or Funny?: Both..
070. Shorter or Taller?: Taller
071. Protective or Caring?: Caring
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Spontaneous
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: Both
074. Sensitive or Loud?: A balance of both
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: Neither
077. Muscular or normal: Normal
078. Kissed a stranger: Nope
079. Broken a bone: Nope
080. Lost glasses or contacts: Nope
081. Ran away from home: Almost.. but didn't
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: Nope
083. Killed somebody: Nope
084. Broken some one's heart: My mom lo..
085. Had your heart broken: Erm... not very serious de lo~
086. Been arrested: Nope
087. Cried when someone died: Ya
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: Yeah
089.Do you believe in Yourself: Yeap
090. Miracles: Yes
091. Love at first sight: Don't believe it will last
092. Heaven: Yes, of coz..
093. Santa Claus: Use to.. LOL..
094. Tooth Fairy: Nope
095. Kiss in the first date: No first date
096. Angels: Yes.. Seen them before..
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now? : Nope
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now?: Very~!
099. Do you believe in God? : YES..!!
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people.
- Joanne Mah
- Chern Lin
- Robin OCK
- Pui San
- Eric Teh
- Kelvin
- Michael Loh
- Nigel Kong
- Florence
- Mun Fatt
Labels: tagged
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Hey guys, I'm finally back from Surabaya after attending Asia for jesus conference.. And it was AWESOME..!! I 've learnt and seen God's work there and really thankful to Him that I'm able to attend this conference.. An domg, this conference is superbly huge~!! People from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, US and Brunei are all gathered together to witness the Army of God crusade.. The total number reaches 30,000 over people and thousands accepted Christ~!! Helalujah!!
Revival will be seen here in Malaysia~!!
And I found Jaeson's Ma's official website..!! woo-hoo for me!! LOL..

Pastor Philip Mantofa preaching

~Vanness was on his knees the whole time Ps. Jaeson was preaching~

People are geting baptisted on the spot.. Give glory to the king!!
More to be uploaded in the future..
Labels: church
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Woaah~! Today have been a very prawny day for me.. Why?? Because my family and I went to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co in Pyramid for Mothers Day.. OMG... the food there kinda expensive lo.. 4 people and the bill came up to Rm 180 and above.. But I love the environment there.. feels like being in US.. hahahha.. The whole shop's concept is based on a movie by Tom Hanks, Forest Gump..
The food and drinks:
Before and After