Sunday, September 23, 2007

Angeline's wedding day..

Ken and Angeline (so matching hoh..??)

As some of you all may know, i went back to Ipoh on last Tuesday night and skipped class on Wednesday to be my cousins' (Angeline - my mother's side) bridesmaid for her wedding! hehe.. i was so excited to be one since I've not done it before.. lucky it wasn't me alone.. i was my sister's co-bridesmaid.. ngek ngek..


my whole family (sis, mommy, daddy, mua)

*sorry for being kaki ayam*

ppl, how do I look in that dress ya...??

THE BRIDE + my sis and I

(three super leng lui's)


the bride (whole) family member

my far-related-family from kelantan

my relatives from Ipoh

(my foster grandma's son's family)

the bride's parents were putting the veil over her face

(middle one is 'tai kam che')

THE BRIDE (Angeline) solo picture

pretty ka?? ^_^

here comes 'the prince'...

man of the day

*dang dang, dang dang...........)

obstacles/hardship that the prince (or his male fren) must go through before can get his bride

kesian jadi his fren ~~

yay..!! dapat dah..!! (exchange wedding ring)



praying ceremony

f.y.i: there were lots of praying that day..

(make my eyes damn pain, thx to the smoke)

the married couple *jum cha* to my parents

my parents giving them ang pau (lai lai xi xi)

me receiving ang pau!!! HAHAHAAAHAHAH

family photo (can see me..??)

*i just realize how tan i am... haihz..*

another pig is sacrificed

*but damn SEDAP..!!*

the guys side family

(mother, father, 2 brother, sister-in-law)

at night dinner time...

yum seng..~~~~

i'm the one in purple..!!
*shouldn't wear my jacket la.. but it was freaking cold~~*

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Saturday, 8th Sept

I got a job offer for today and tomorrow. And guess where my work place is?? SUNWAY LAGOON…!!! Yay!! I got to go inn lagoon for free..!! ngek ngek.. But go in also wont play all the games there la… I go there solely for work purposes only. I, as usual, promoted for munchys.. This time, I wasn’t all alone. We have like 15 people of us. It was like a road show... ^_^.. And guess who I saw while I was working?? JACKIE CHAN!! Lucky ~ ~ hehehe.. He was very friendly to his fans… Keep waving and kissing at everyone... So cute la that uncle.. =) .. After my lagoon job, I went to my friends shop in Summit to teman her since she’s all alone today. So we camwhored a lil’ when no customer time. Fyi: I’m getting the hang of the who shop. So complicated la her shop.. all the codes and all for the computer stuff (pc-DVD, pc games, software, ps2 games, x box etc).. Holy ~ ~ ... Den close shop ad bout 10 something, we went asia café (again) with wai phan. After makan ad W.Phan drove us makan angina in his Storm. Why? To relieve our stress..! So fun oh... When Inn send me went back home, it was already almost 2.. Next day must work in the morning some more ~ ~

lagoon.. damn lots of people.~~

jackie chan...!!!

this was on sunday.. where i worked for only 1 hour and still get full pay (rm80) hahahah!!

the packing process..

the selling process.. i was one of those girls packing and selling.. (NOT EASY WEI..)

Thursday, 6th Sept.

Woo-hoo…!! I finally watched Secret! Gila nice that show!! Jay Chou melted my heart, again!! Hahaha.. First time I see him dance, with a girl (not that he usually dances with guys.. ^_^) Aww... He is just soooo cute!! The story line of the movie also very new and interesting for me… can’t believe he actually directed such a cool movie.. He is just so damn talented... kekkeke.. But anyway, today I went to 1 Utama with Deborah and Rachel Au... So fun la!! We watch secret first den we went makan and shopping..!! heheh.. And in the cinema, we were the only one there!! Literally... There was no one else who watch that show at that time... so we dominated the whole place... Put our legs high up etc... And talk out loud... no need to silence phone also... =) … den we eat at food court (economical) and shopping!! Deb spend damn a lot of money on the clothing, accessory, dog things and other stuff.. Den the three of us bought the SAME design necklace for fun!! hehehe.. i really like the necklace though... And i bought an angklet for myself too... taday was really fun though.. ^_^

three of our legs in the cinema.. (HAHAHHA..)

my necklace

my anklet

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I HAVEN WATCH YET..!!! ARGH!!! *pulls hair angrily*
