Thursday, February 21, 2008
To Siang:
Great knowing ya for almost 6 years, going on 7 years now~~
we've went through ups and downs together and thanks for being by my side all this while esp through my down-est point..
Though its been 4 of us together (you, me, eli and sam) but you and I have always been close~~
thanks for everything you've gave me from presents to souvenir and also all the support and care you have for me..
Hope our friendship will last until we get marrried and have kids.. hahhhah..
Take care of yourself in Aust and eat well~~
love ya always.. MUAKS!! hahaha..
-siang & ms-
~me, siang, fang~
Friday, February 15, 2008
I was expecting more from this movie actually.. so was kinda disappointed when the movie ended.. but consider he so bloody bergaya in the movie, i forgive him la.. Secret was way better than this movie.. but this movie got a lot of stars in it - Chen Bo lin, Eric Tsang, Charlene, Ng Man Tat, and other characters I see from Hong Kong and Taiwan shows..
i see a different side of JAy in this movie - the retarded side.. He damn gila retarded in the movie (but damn gila cute!!) hahha..
nothing much to blog bout today since nothing REALLY happened except walking around in Mid valley for bout 3 hours..

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
This time I went to Pyramid for my 2nd round of CNY clothes hunting.. I still got left over money to spend..~~ hahaha...
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Went for CNY shopping today..!! Since got money to shop ad (thanks to Mr. James Kong and Mrs. Teng) hahahha!! Finally after so bloody long time of suffering with insufficient money to spend, I finally can 'berlagak' like anak orang kaya and spend money like water...!! {syok-ness}
I went to 1 Utama, Sg. Wang and Times Square today to search for any nice tops, bottoms and heels.. Lucky i managed to buy something..!! Not just "something", lots of things.. haha.. and this is only my first round.. I still got second round in Pyramid on Monday!! hahaha.. ~~I'm planning to buy a white covered heel and a purple covered flat shoe there~~
I managed to buy these today :
[spend bout Rm150 inclusive of transport and food]
White: Half Jacket: Rm 19.90 [SW]
White: Knee lenght dress: Rm 44.10 [1U]
Dark green: T-shirt: Rm10 [SW]
Dark brown: Casual top: Rm 25 [TS]