Saturday, November 29, 2008
Went out with my college bros and sis(s) just now to celeb Mr. Lee Wei Jiin's birthday.. Went all the way to Kepong to eat at Sushi Station.. eat until damn full but not bad ah the food there.. buffet style, order all you want.. not very expensive too!! We still got the financial ability to treat Jiin since its his big day.. hahaha.. But too bad the Sabah boy was not there.. aihz, potong steam je the fella.. ^_^ Photos are here already and I'm back from the camp~!! Will udate about the camp next time.. when i have the pics.. hahaha..
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Script of the day:
My partners for today and the next two day:
my sien-ness look:
Labels: work
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Feeling hot at home yesterday because stupid Tenaga decided not to supply electricity to my, I decided to ajak friend go MV watch movie. And got Shiu Siang to teman me.. Since so long never see her and she got back from Aussie, ajak her keluar lo.. hahaha.. Finally I get to try the GSC Signature in The Gardens and because got 13 year old boy with us that time, we decided to watch . . . . .
IGOR..!! this movie is o darn funny.. But a bit no meaning la.. the purpose of the movie is purely for entertaining only.. and got a few parts in the movie kinda scary lo.. If I was a 5 year old boy watching this movie, I'll prolly wet my pants and cry in the cinema.. oh ya, the seating's in Signature is kinda cool.. its like couple couple sit and the cinema I went to, prolly only got 30-40 seating's only.. and you can ask for blankets thim.. and the price is RM15 (student price).. normal price is RM16.. hahaha,. cheaper by RM1..!! hahahaha.. but it depends on the movie la.. different movie different pricing.. And here is the trailer for Igor..
My favourite character from the movie is definately Scamper.. He is just so damn sarcastic and funny..

GSC Signature:

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
A man will pay $20 for a $10 item he needs.
A woman will pay $10 for a $20 item that she doesn't need.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, 'You're next.' They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
Aihz, been feeling very unsettling and upset lately. Mainly is because of the fact that I don't know why some people can be so beautiful on one side and yet so ugly on the other. I mean how can a person be so different in front of A and totally opposite in front of B? Am I thinking too much or is this really your true colour? There's a Chinese proverb saying that we know a person's face but not a person's heart. I guess its true huh? Should I give up trying to figure you out or should i bear with it all and keep acting like nothing has happened? Like we could still be friends like we use to? The pastor now days have been talking ab out planting your seed in a good environment. An environment where you can grow and shine; but I know I can't do that with you. With all these feelings in me that I know one day is gonna eat me up alive. I'm so sick of guessing what have I done wrong or where along the way is the downfall of our relationship. Maybe we both are not in the wrong side, maybe we are just meant to be friends - just friends.
Sorry people for being so emo. You know I;m usually not very emo. Unless I really need to get it off my chest. And don't have to ask who am i referring to. It's a secret between me and Him. ^_^
Friday, November 21, 2008
Phew~! What a tiring day today~! After jalan jalan in MV with Alden den go church and help CK out with a wedding ceremony deco..!! I realize I can't do any deco stuff related to cloths..!! and so can't Alden~!! We both suck in it..!! hahaha.. keep asking Isaac to help 'cap' our sau mei~ hahahah.. I think we play and joke more than we do work.. 'Yuet zou yuet shui'.. hahaha.. But we did take lots of nice pictures there.. and the deco done by CK is so darn pretty lo~! OMG, today the whole wedding rehearsal make me wanna get married only~! agghh!! damn 'han ka' now..!! hahahaa.. And I think Alden also damn 'han ka' lo~! keep holding the white cloth imagining he's getting married~! SO GAY..!! hahaha..
Nice kan the deco made by CK ..??
Ji Mui Alden and I
me playing the piano..!!
looks pro kan?? thx thx..!!
Labels: church
Went to Sg. Wang on Tuesday as a farewell for Spy, Voon and Wan Yen.. So fun la the outing.. besides kena bully kao kao from the bodoh Isaac.. Aihz, after this dunno when can see they three already.. *cry*.. dahlah won't be here for my bithday~! hahaha.. to the three of you all, I'm expecting presents ya! hhehehee.. We went tot this new restaurant called Vivo and its kinda nice.. except their pizza.. Their pastas are kinda good though~ recommended to all..!! hahaha..
SPY and I

Group photo..!!
Sorry Wan Yen, didn't upload me and you punya individual photo.. hahaha.. I dun look nice in them~! hahahahha..
Labels: outing
Finally got the pictures from Diana.. Aihz, slow queen..
~ During Halloween ~
In pizza hut.. so zhou tut la pizza hut now.. they prolly gonna chap lap coz of their service~!
L-R: Jiin, W.Yen, Robin, Spy, Wendy, lenglui, Diana, Voon2, Kien
Yesterday's dinner with spy, Kien and Diana.. since Kien and Spy won't be meeting anymore, this is their farewell.. I love their food!! Ss15's Gold Chili..
~The soon-to-be-gone boy with mua~
Labels: outing
Finally finished watching 3 Tvb drama~
Last One Standing
Ratings: 6 / 10
The Four Great Constables
Ratings: 8 / 10
Labels: movie
Monday, November 17, 2008
Woo-hoo.. What a fun and super tiring day today!! omg.. never thought it will be this tiring man.. aihz~ But anyway, today I went to Malacca, just for fun, with Isaac and Tim Chi.. We started our journey at 10. 50 and reached Malacca Town at around 1 pm. so long kan? actually we wasted our time in A' Famosa resort.. SO bloody big man the place.. got go-kart, horse riding, fishing etc. But we didn't do anything there, only drove a big round.. Then off we go to the town.. Our first destination was the A' Famosa area.. so hot and sunny man the weather.. owning me kao kao~ Then we walked and walked and took lots of pictures.. that Isaac wanted to take picture with the snakes so badly but no one wants to teman him.. hahha.. he pulak dun wanna take alone.. bodo de~
~us in the car~
me..!! hehehhe..
Finally reached Malacca.. Sit in the car until ass damn pain..
Us walking to A' Famosa area
Can you see 'Eye of Malaysia' is in my hands? hehehe..
~two dong dongs~
~they created stg new there.. ~ hahahaah
Before we start driving to another destination, we went for durian cendol (supposedly to be famous) and went to eat chicken rice ball (Malacca is famous for it) but it tastes sucks..!! Maybe because this shop is not the original shop. ^_^
The 'famous' cendol shop
tim chi say I look very emo here.. hahaha
the third bear from left looks like zheng wei~! hahhaha..
can you see how buff and muscular this bull is?? sure go gym and work out de.. ^_^
so close distance with the giraffe.. damn thin man the giraffes..
About 9 something we drove back to KL and ended the day with a yum cha session in SS2's murni.. Today was kinda fun with those two babi's.. with the lame jokes and name callings.. damn geram punya kena kek from them~! especially elesaac!! blek!!
Labels: trip