Thursday, October 30, 2008
Yay~!! The pictures of the camp are finally here.. but only from Yan Yee's camera la.. But anyway I'm here to say again that I;m so proud of Heart 6 for 'surviving' this camp and finally getting champion~! Thanks to Robin (leader), Spy, Yan Yee, Vincent, Tim Ci, Mei Bao, Nicholas and Sylvia and hope you all enjoyed yourself there kao kao and have learnt something.. I know I have~ ^_^
Our slogan..., again:
I say heart, you say.. SIX...!
I say heart, you say.. SIX...!
~ HEART 6 ~
~ HEART 6 ~
jiaaaaaaa you!!
A part of the campsite

P&W team

hahahaa, Love this picture.. I totally had no idea they tot I was smelly.. aihz~
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Yay~!! I'm sooooooo proud of Heart 6 right now..!!
Even though the original Heart 6 was divided but I'm so proud of the Heart 6 in camp..
Thanks to each and every member, Robin (leader), Spy, Yan Yee, Vincent, Tim Ci, Mei Bao, Nicholas and Sylvia. Without you guys we wouldn't get NO. 1 yo..!! hahahha.. So proud and happy that all our hard work and effort was all worth it in the end.. we had the brains and the energy/power to win~!
This time was fun because the kepoh Spy came with us and she invited her two friends along as well. And thanks to Vincent who poured out all his energy to compete in the challenge games although he was really sick.. heheh..
And I hope this assistant leader has not disappoint you all, even though i feel I have not done enough.. aihz..
But anyway, hope you guys enjoyed yourself there very much..!! and whoever got pictures of the camp please tag me in facebook~! hehehe..
And thank you God for making this camp a success.. Without You, we would not even have this camp and would not even got to know our brothers and sisters. Thanks for being there with us and looking after us that no one was badly injured.. Please continue to guide us and love us. ..!!
I'm gonna blog more in detail about the camp as soon as I have the pictures.. hehehe..
I say heart, you say.. SIX...!
I say heart, you say.. SIX...!
~ HEART 6 ~
~ HEART 6 ~
jiaaaaaaa you!!
The slogan is a bit lame, but who cares? Its the slogan of a champion! hahahha
And to for all the 12 groups, congratulation completing the camp in one piece!! We may all be tired and smelly and dirty buy hey, at least we get to say that we ate blended si ham with wasabi and got bitten by leech right? ^_^
And in the end of the day, we are all winners yo..!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
我今天玩到超开心的.. 虽然在class里面有一点东西弄到我不高兴, 但是认识了spy的朋友之后就觉得全部的不快乐都跑掉了.. 很高兴认识你门三位虽然没有对你门讲很多话但是我有信心我门一定会再见几时面的.. 比如说this friday我们都i会见面了lu..!! ^_^ 我知道为什么我门可以和地来.... 因为我们都够三八.. Oops, 对不起是你们吧了, 我是斯文的那一个.. 哈哈.. 很期待我们在这个friday的event哦.. ^_^ 还有很不可思以的事情就是我的 'pen dan' 弟弟也跟我们一起sot.. hahah..
哪个arrow好象在shoot我跟spy leh!!
Labels: outing
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Okay, I haven't been myself today and I can feel it and i feel guilty as hell..!! Here I need to apologise to the people that i ter-show my dark side to and sorry if I've caused you any dulan-ness or beh shuang-ness.. I've had very little sleep and for the record, I was the first to come college!! At 6.15 wei~! Ya allah, the sky is not even bright yet and I've been feeding mosquitoes all morning. So now you know why i was in a foul mood today. And also, seriously ppl, when everybody else is working so hard to carry chairs and table, the decent thing you could do is help out, at least a bit la.. don't just sit around and talk amongst yourself. Come on la, wanna chat also go somewhere else and chat la.. Everybody so tired ad, you some more wanna let everybody know you're not doing anything.. Sorry but i just wanna let it off my chest.. It's been bugging me the whole day~ ^_^ .. But whatever la, at lest the carnival is over now and we did a good job..
Pictures of the carnival will be updated soon..!!
Labels: college
Friday, October 17, 2008
I'm currently watching this show now. Its called Miss No Good, 不良笑花 and its so damn funny!!
Those that understand Chinese and lurves Taiwan drama, go and watch it..!!
~So bloody funny~
The main character of this show is Rainie Yang Cheng Lin and Wilber Pan..
and its about..
Jiang Xiao Hua is a jewelry store owner with no sense of style. When prince charming Jia Si Le comes back from Japan with intentions of dating her, she blackmails Tang Men, a poison-tongue style guru, into helping her become a lady worthy of Si Le.
This is how she look like in the movie, but in reality she is damn pretty lo~
she so pretty kan??
clips from the movie:
I realize that physical appearance is not the main thing that we should judge a person from. A person can be very not-very-pretty on the outside, but totally interesting and sincere in the inside.
I totally love Cheng Lin in the movie.. so cute and real (chen)..
So transparent, she say what she wants, do what she likes and dress however she wishes to..
I hope more people in the world would be like her.. so real, so genuine and so lovable..
~totally fun to hang out with~
Labels: movie
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Yay! my trip to Singapore pictures are finally here! hehehehe~
Company: Daddy, Mommy, Sister, First uncle

my dad with sister ~ with the present Jason bought~

the picture you saw was practically the WHOLE room..

Can you believe how small the toilet is..??!!

the best part, the swimming pool~ I have no chance to go in.. dang it..!!

Day 2:

At night we went to Chinatown and Clarke Quey and ate our dinner there~ too bad its our last night in S'pore though~ :-(

you see the 4 tall things? its actually like the thing we have in lagoon.. you know, the one with the ball in the middle and the person sits inside of it and it will be thrown all over? Thats the game here.. except its soooo much taller~!!

Got a group of Japanese ppl there dancing and the crowd joined in too~

And i rushed my assignments like crazy!!