Sunday, December 28, 2008
If you ever heard me say that Alden is kiam sup, I officially take it back today.. Cause he was damn damn damn generous today.. Not only he belanja me and Jason eat Kim Gary (RM 40++), he also belanja us watch movie (RM33 in total).. So generous kan? HAHAHA.. i understand if he belanja me la, since I didn't even bring RM1 out, but he belanja Jason also, who can afford to pay for himself.. hahaha.. therefore, I officially categorise Alden in the generous category. Oh ya, on top of it, he used up like RM1300 on his car 2 days ago but he still go the heart to belanja us.. so....
HE IS STILL SINGLE..!! aahahahhaa
Before movie, we went MPH to 'read book' but ended up taking picture instead.. ^_^

~ Acting cute ~

About: Jim Carrey stars as Carl Allen, a man who signs up for a self-help program based on one simple principle: say yes to everything...and anything. At first unleashing the power of “yes” transforms Carl’s life in amazing and unexpected ways, but he soon discovers that opening up his life to endless possibilities can have its drawbacks.
Time: 1 hour 45 mins
This is the guy who made him change from a 'No Man' to a 'Yes Man'.

This is my favourite scene.. the left side guy wanted to jump down building but Carrey sang to him so that he would not jump. damn funny.. @.@
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
What is the meaning of the word 'love' to you?
Is liking a person and loving a person the same kinda feeling? If it is not, what is the difference?
Which would you prefer? To wait for the right person or randomly go around with the wrong ones hopefully one of them would be the right person?
If the person you like were to have another person, would you be jealous and hope that they will break up or wish him/her all the happiness in the world?
Love is such a complicated thing, on one side you want him/her to be happy but on one side you wish that he/she would be happy with you and no one else.. what a conflicting feeling..
Also, would you prefer to like a person in the dark or openly tell him/her your feelings? Which is for the better? hmmm..
So many question, yet so little answers..
I'm so curious to know all your answers.. so please, leave a comment ya!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Yesterday after countdown came back home at 2 am plus but 4 plus only can sleep. BUt today 10 am wake up already to celebrate christmas with my fellow church friends = Alden, Puisan , Florence, Mun Fatt and Ivan.
What we did?
Yay.. My most favourite season is here again..!! woo-hoo..!! I love christmas!! hehehe..
Venue: The curve
Time: 9 p.m. till 12 stg
Ppl: Alden, Ivan, Mun Fatt
Met: Sammy + friends, PJI friends
Countdown in
~In McD~
Labels: christmas
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Omg, what a tiring day ystd.. but damn fun, with my fello Leos.. First we went there by Eric's car (all 9 of us in the car!) then we had a lil' bonding session in Jack's room. then after everyone arrived, we started our lil' steamboat session. Quite a lot of ppl showed up, got some kelefeh also showned up.. hehehe.. then after eating, they all had their crazy gaming session but me, Fion, Su Qi, Big head and Jerrard played UNO instead.. kinda fun lo UNO game.. hahaha.. and then when everyone almost left ad, me, Jack, Fion, Eric, Lung and Penguin had our lil' kissing game.. It was kinda fun geh, but luckily very mild only.. hahaha.. Suppose to overnight there but then jack's mommy say they leaving house at 5 am cause they going back hometown, so we have to balik rumah sendiri pulak.. Aihz, gonna miss Jack when he leaves for NS.. sobsob.. and my dear is finally starting his college life in my campus! gonna meet him everyday.. HAHAHHAA..
damn lots of ppl in a Myvi.. ^_^
~bonding session~
Fion, mua, Eric, Penguin
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The genting trip I partially went to..
Us in cable car (I look damn pale kan?!)
Us in McD, posing!
Them in room, Gay-ing
Us at escalator, cam-whoring
Us in themepark
Us in themepark II
Sorry CS, can't celeb your b'day with you.. HAppy birthday ya my ex-husband!! Enjoy your youth!! hahahaha..
Labels: leo
For those who don't know what PJIC stand for...... too bad la..!! hahahha.. But anyway, after having lots and lots of laughter from mamak just now (after meeting), we came up with this family tree in PJI..
- Fion and Eric are married
- Then they get me, Jason and Justin
- I am married to Chien lung ^_^, but am previously married to CS
- My first marriage come out Jack, who is now married to J.Hsien
- Den Jason went and kao my ex husband (CS)
- But after CS come into the family, he and Eric (his father-in-law) got affair pulak
- Den suddenly CS got affair with penguin and Taiko outside (poor Jason) - CS is such a kaki perempuan and lelaki..!!
- Then Justin his is happily married to Rui Wei but their relationship will soon got lots of 3rd and 4th party.. ^_^
- Lots of ppl haven add inside yet: Nicholas - soon to have affair with Fion, Rui Wei gonna have affair with Taiko and lots more.. haahha..
P/S: what a great time I had with my fellow Leo's. Hope next year we will be this close still.. ^_^
and P.J.I.C. stands for Petaling jaya Incest Club.. hahaha..
Labels: leo